Supplies for Log Homes: Chinking, Log Stain & Caulking For Log Homes

Log home supplies such as chinking, log home stain and cabin caulking are typically required in order to properly maintain your log structure. Mountain Home Building Product is a leading distributor of Sashco log home supplies such as Log Jam, Log Builder, Conceal, Chinker’s Edge, Transformation stain, Capture stain, High Sierra stain and Symphony interior clear finish.
Chinking is often used in joints that are greater than 1” wide. The most widely used chinking material is Log Jam. It has been manufactured by Sashco for the past 30 years. Log Jam comes in a wide variety of colors and is available in 29oz tubes and 5 gallon buckets. Log Jam chinking is the choice of professionals because it is highly elastic and comes with a standard 10 year warranty with the option for a lifetime warranty.
Selecting the right log home stain can be difficult but is very important when it comes to preserving your dream home. Water based stains can provide good protection from harmful UV rays but they can also be difficult to apply. Oil based stains are typically easier to apply but require solvents for clean up and give off an odor during application. With that said, I recommend an oil based stain product called Transformation. It retails for $295 per 5 gallon bucket but it provides the ultimate in protection. Additionally, it gives your logs a rich, natural appearance.
Log home caulking is often used in joints that are less than 1” wide. The most widely used caulking material is Log Builder. It comes with a standard 15 year warranty. With that said, I would recommend using another caulking material called Conceal. It does not have the same name brand recognition as Log Builder but is much easier to apply and blends quite a bit better with your wood. Finally, it is also manufactured by Sashco log home products.
In conclusion, your wood should be clean, sound and dry before applying your log home stain. It is important to use a stain that is compatible with your chinking or log home caulking. Purchase both materials from the same manufacturer in order to eliminate any problems down the road. Sashco manufacturers a number of log stains, chinking and caulking materials.
For more information about log home supplies contact Mountain Home Building Products toll free at 800-490-3695. Mountain Home Building Products is a leading distributor of chinking, log home stain, cabin caulking, clear wood finishes, log siding, house logs & rustic lighting.